Tuesday, July 05, 2005


The Bible clearly reveals the love of God, as evident in the frequent refrain of Psalm 136: "His love endures forever." And of course the greatest example of love is seen in what God has done for humanity through Jesus Christ: the Father sent the Son into the world to suffer, bleed and die upon a cross as the atoning sacrifice for sinners. In the oft-quoted words of John 3:16: "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

In some Christian settings, one hears very little about the love of God, hearing much instead about His wrath and judgment. Many people perceive of God as an angry Deity who sits in heaven with a scowl on His face and a hammer in His hand ready to angrily strike down sinners.

On the other hand, there are Christians who emphasize God's love and compassion while saying little or nothing about God's wrath against sin. How crucial it is to remember that "God is love" (1 John 4:8, 16), while also keeping in mind that holiness--and not mere sentimentality--characterizes God's love. I find helpful these words of theologian Donald Bloesch:

"The love of God is generous, sacrificial, self-giving. It is the love that issues in forgiveness, but it is a costly forgiveness resulting in the death of God's own Son. It is also costly for the Christian, since it calls him to a life of discipleship under the cross. The love that comes from God accepts the sinner as he is, in his sin, but because it is also a holy love, it demands that the sinner change his ways."

God is love. What a wonderful declaration! God is holy. That, too, is a wonderful declaration! How important it is that we hold these two biblical truths in balance.

--Deutero Q

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