Friday, July 01, 2005


During a recent visit to Minnesota, I noticed a guy wearing a shirt that said PETA. Those letters usualy bring to mind People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. However, a closer look at the guy's shirt revealed these words underneath the PETA acronym: People Enjoy Tasty Animals. Too funny, especially considering some of PETA's nutty pronouncements (such as their call for a ban on sport fishing)!

While in Minnesota I also noticed a front page headline in one of the big newspapers there. It seems that Minnesota (the "land of ten thousand lakes") does not contain more lakes than any other state. Texas holds that honor. Surprise, surprise. In fact, Oklahoma and Florida have more lakes than Minnesota, according to a researcher at a Ohio university. It seems that a lake can be any body of water at least 100 feet across. Consequently, the researcher was counting all the stock tanks and ranch ponds that dot the Lone Star State. So Texas is now the land of ten thousand lakes? Uff da!

By the way, I came away from Minnesota very impressed with its natural beauty. Lots and lots of water and and lots and lots of trees. What a special part of the country.

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