Sunday, November 06, 2005

I recently came across these words of Os Guinness, the internationally known Christian speaker. The passage below is excerpted from Parker Williamson's excellent article in the October issue of The Layman.
"...Guinness even chided 'a growing number of recent evangelicals,' faulting them for cheapening the gospel by surrendering to 'modern insights, techniques, and fashions--as if we could become more relevant by doing the Lord's work in the world's latest way.'"
"But Guinness' harshest barb targeted the American Episcopal Church for 'one of the worst and most extreme capitulations to the spirit of the age ... its abject surrender to the sexual mores of the modern world.'"
"Guinness labeled the current ecclesiastical state as an 'Alice in Wonderland Church in which Christian leaders now openly deny what all Christians have believed and many have died to defend; Christian leaders who celebrate what their faith once castigated; Christian leaders who advance views closer to their foes than to their founder; and Christian leaders who deny the faith, but stay on shamelessly as leaders of the faith they deny.'"
Guinness also perceptively pointed out that sola scriptura has been replaced by sola cultura in much of Protestantism. His observation is right on target--much of the evangelical church now looks to secular culture rather than to Scripture as its guide for church life.

Or is Sola Scripture replaced by Sola Mia (me alone!)??

You should also read his little book, "Prophetic Untimeliness". It's a great critique of so much of this whole "growth" movement and "emerging church" nonsense.

Did you know that Os is Oswald Chamber's great grandnephew or something? Thought you'd like to know...
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