Saturday, February 18, 2006
I was reading Isaiah 53 this morning and was drawn to this description of the Messiah in verse three: "He was despised and rejected by men...."How terrible: He who was love and goodness incarnate was despised and rejected. What an indictment against sinful humanity!
As I have been reflecting on the ministry lately, I can relate to the "despised and rejected" part. I suppose that every pastor can. One of the axioms of pastoral ministry is that there are some people for whom you can do no right and others for whom you can do no wrong.
In my case, I have been blessed to shepherd people in my two pastorates who, for the most part, have been very supportive and loving. At the same time, I am not unaware of those who have harbored strong feelings of criticism and resentment. Those of us who serve in the pastoral ministry as undershepherds of Jesus can relate, in some small measure, to the despisement and rejection that characterized the Lord's ministry. There will always be (until Christ returns) wounded and unhappy sheep who criticize, scorn, judge and resent. Such is the nature of the pastorate. I am thankful that the "despise and reject" crowd has been small. I am not sure I could handle hordes of such people!
In any event, I am recognizing more and more that despisement and rejection come with the territory. That is not in any way to excuse such ungodly attitudes and behavior ... rather, it is to acknowledge a pastoral reality that comes from following in the Master's footsteps.