Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The recent outbreak of school shootings has caused me to reflect on what the Bible says about the human condition.
The biblical witness is clear that sinful behavior--such as the horrific murders in the Amish school--is more than a voluntary act; wicked deeds spring from a heart that is intrinsically sinful (Psalm 51:5; Psalm 58:3; Jeremiah 17:9; Ephesians 2:1-3). In other words, human beings are sinners by nature and by choice.
While the doctrines of original sin and total depravity may be hard for some people to accept, the Bible teaches that the sin of our first parents Adam and Eve had far-reaching consequences. We have all been affected and infected by it. In this regard, the English writer Somerset Maugham once said about himself, "If I wrote down every thought I have ever thought and every deed I have ever done, men would call me a monster of depravity."
As offensive as it may be to our belief in the innate goodness of human beings, the Bible reveals that Maugham's monster dwells in every person ... and the monster's name is sin.

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