Friday, July 20, 2007
Few Christian books have impacted me as much as John Owen's sublime work, The Glory of Christ. The version with which I am most familiar is published by The Banner of Truth Trust, abridged by R.J.K. Law. This little volume is packed full of profound truth. In fact, if I were to counsel someone to read only one book this year (beside the Word of God, of course) that book would surely be The Glory of Christ. Compared to much of the pabulum that poses and passes for Christian literature today, this work by the great Puritan is in a class by itself. Here are some transforming truths from Owen's keen mind and sensitive spirit:"One of the greatest privileges the believer has, both in this world and for eternity, is to behold the glory of Christ."
"No man shall ever behold the glory of Christ by sight in heaven who does not, in some measure, behold it by faith in this world."
"The splendour of Christ's glory is too much for our physical eyes just as is the sun shining in all its strength. So while we are here on earth we can behold his glory only by faith."
" who are complete strangers to seeing the person and glory of Christ by faith have turned to images, pictures and music to help them in their worship."
"So it is only as we behold the glory of Christ by faith here in this world that our hearts will be drawn more and more to Christ and to the full enjoyment of the sight of his glory hereafter."
"A fish would not thank you for taking it ouf of the sea and putting it on dry land under the blazing sun! Neither would an unregenerate sinner welcome the thought of living for ever in the blazing glory of Christ."
"Those who cannot see his glory by faith do not know him."
"If we regularly beheld the glory of Chirst our Christian walk with God would become more sweet and pleasant...."
"What is the true blessedness of the saints in heaven? Is it not to behold and see the glory of God in Christ?"