Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
On the other hand, consider the troubling realities that confront us in the early twenty-first century, among them: the breakdown of the traditional family, moral relativism, economic uncertainty, the scourge of terrorism, and so-called natural disasters. As I write these words, the city in which I live and minister, New Orleans, is still recovering from the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, one of the most destructive storms in American history.
From a Christian perspective, we could add to the previous list a number of spiritual dangers, including the subversion of biblical truth and the increase of non-Christian religions and cults such as Islam and Mormonism.
Bible-believing Christians are increasingly becoming targets of the radical left. The Ten Commandments and other references to God are being removed from public life. At the same time, many college campuses are now installing foot baths to appease Muslims. America's cultural elites and leftists, who trumpet inclusivism and tolerance, display incredible hypocrisy in their intolerance of the religion of the cross (Christianity), while showing great lenience toward the religion of the sword (Islam).
I am reminded of the Presbyterian-related college in California that years ago removed a cross from its chapel because it might offend non-Christians.
And what can be said about the cultural rot all around us? Millions of American households open the sewer valve daily and allow Hollywood to pump its unfiltered sludge into our homes via television.
The murder of innocents (abortion) continues and much of the American Church has conformed to the hedonistic spirit of the age. There is little difference between the lifestyles of Christians and non-Christians.
I have an ominous sense that America and the church are in for some tough times ahead. There is a storm on the horizon of which today's "culture wars" and ideological clashes are but a harbinger. These are dangerous times, indeed. And they are about to become even more dangerous.
Already in Canada, Bible-believing pastors are being persecuted by the government for preaching that homosexual behavior is sinful.
But the more dangerous it gets, the more excited true followers of Jesus Christ can become. God has the last word, and there is a new heaven and new earth on its way. The time is coming when the Warrior King from heaven will come to vanquish His foes and right all wrongs (Revelation 19:11-16).
May those of us who know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, and who seek to live God-honoring lives under the authority of Holy Scripture, determine to travel the narrow road in these dangerously exciting times.
And rejoice ... for the Sovereign of nations will prevail!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Strange title, you say? Check out the following link for an excellent analysis of the "your best life now" theology of Joel Osteen--as well as an explanation of the Jiminy Cricket reference!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
God’s communal nature is of foundational importance. That is because God not only exists, but also coexists as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. While each of the Persons of the Godhead is unique and distinct, they are in perfect agreement with one another and coexist in perfect harmony and unity.
What does this have to do with Christians and worship? More than we may realize! The triune nature of God is the ideal model for church life. Inherent in God’s tripersonal being are love, community, fellowship, and many other distinguishing characteristics.
The persons of the Godhead—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—relate to one another in united, loving fellowship, and of course united, loving fellowship should also characterize the people of God. This should especially be true in the realm of Christian worship, which is the primary activity of the people of God, both now and forever.
Is it not strange that we can emphasize Christian unity in the areas of evangelism, fellowship, prayer, etc., and yet not stress unity in the church’s worship life? Since worship is at the heart of Christian life, does it not follow that God’s people should unite in this most important endeavor? Or should we only seek unity in other areas of church life?