Thursday, October 11, 2007


God’s communal nature is of foundational importance. That is because God not only exists, but also coexists as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. While each of the Persons of the Godhead is unique and distinct, they are in perfect agreement with one another and coexist in perfect harmony and unity.

What does this have to do with Christians and worship? More than we may realize! The triune nature of God is the ideal model for church life. Inherent in God’s tripersonal being are love, community, fellowship, and many other distinguishing characteristics.

The persons of the Godhead—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—relate to one another in united, loving fellowship, and of course united, loving fellowship should also characterize the people of God. This should especially be true in the realm of Christian worship, which is the primary activity of the people of God, both now and forever.

Is it not strange that we can emphasize Christian unity in the areas of evangelism, fellowship, prayer, etc., and yet not stress unity in the church’s worship life? Since worship is at the heart of Christian life, does it not follow that God’s people should unite in this most important endeavor? Or should we only seek unity in other areas of church life?

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